STB News

Review of the Year - 2021

Parkinson's Centre for Integrated Therapy

An exciting and groundbreaking new initiative will be opening on May 1st 2022. Based on the University of Kent’s Canterbury campus, the Parkinson's Centre for Integrated Therapy will provide free access to a range of evidence-based non-pharmacological treatments and complementary/wellness resources, so that multiple Parkinson’s symptoms can be managed all under one roof.

The Centre will offer groundbreaking new neurostimulation techniques delivered by Professor David Wilkinson’s team with wrap-around support including: group exercise, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, mental health advice, nutritional guidance, speech and sound therapy, group singing (provided by Sing to Beat Parkinson’s), Reiki, acupuncture and massage.

The work of the Centre will help better understand how the brain recovers from new treatment options – providing evidence to help open up therapeutic neurostimulation to everyone as part of routine clinical practice across the UK. We’ll also stand with people with Parkinson’s, researching, educating and advocating for the changes in treatment many so desperately need.

We will involve people living with Parkinson’s in the development of the Centre and will ensure their voice is heard in the design and delivery of research activities to make sure the Centre meets their needs.

For more details please click here.

More Positive feedback from our Mentor Scheme

"Catrin was a joy to mentor.
The group loved her and we hope to welcome her back when we have the live sessions too.
She came with lots of joie de vivre and great exercises and songs.
I think she has come away with a good grasp of what it means to lead a STB group and she will only grow more confident once she takes up the reigns with her own sessions."

More mentor opportunities will be announced shortly. These are open to anyone who has been on our training.

STB Parkinson's at the 2021 International Culture Health and Wellbeing Conference

Sing to Beat Parkinson’s presented a short film at the prestigious 2021 International Culture Health and Wellbeing Conference.

Culture, Health and Wellbeing

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